Tips on achieving a nice fresh smelling home! by Tips on achieving a nice fresh smelling home! A sweet smelling home, ahh what peace and comfort it brings. First things first! Keep it clean, sanitize with a nice smelling cleaner often and take that garbage out daily! Diapers... if there are any, need to go in a garbage outside! Now with that out of the way here are some tips on keeping it smelling fresh!;)Buy some plants! Plants create more oxygen by purifying the air. Here are some great house hold plants that do a fantastic job! Boston Fern Golden Pothos Peace Lily Palm Tree English Ivy Try incense DIY aromatherapy Airwick or Glade defusers Make or buy some potpourri Burn some candles If air fresheners, incense, or candles are too much for your senses try keeping fresh flowers, potpourri, sage or any other sweet smelling flower or herb around.... and try to open those windows once in a while!;) Hope that helps! <3