Tips To A Good And Healthy Relationship
Olivia Castles
Tips To A Good And Healthy RelationshipBe honest. Honesty is a lot in a relationship. Building trust is something you should do until you make any commitments. You should be able to leave your phone anywhere without worrying that your partner is going to find something unpleasing on there!Keep eachother interested. Yes of course you are going to have nights to spend time with your friends. But, you have to keep the relationship going by having special dinners and night outs once every two months atleast. You don't want to be boring, because that could cause a breakup!Be open. If you aren't comfortable talking about anything & everything with someone then you shouldn't be with them. This is someone you have a made a commitment to by being with them and you should be able to open up to them when needed.Never go to sleep mad at one another.✋🏻 going to sleep mad at eachother starts the next morning off to a bad start and pulls the relationship down hill. Before going to bed: admit mistakes, exchange apologies and I love yous and that fixes the whole issue!Do not hang with other girls/guys unless your partner is there. This is so you can prevent having any suspicioun about cheating in a relationship it's so the trust stays intact!!