Tips That Everyone Should Know
Kelly Peterson
Tips That Everyone Should KnowHere are some tips that you should know, that will make your life easier now and later in lifeI know that we all hate exercise, but should do 6 times a week. You don't need to go all out with it just a little bit a day is good. I do 10 push-ups, 60 second planks, 15 squats, and 20 jumping jacks every night before I go to sleep and I've increased my upper body strength by so much!!!Get a good night sleep every night. That is so important, once when I was on my iPhone until like 2:30 a.m. for a week, after that I got really sick and my mom was so mad at me. So I would recommend putting any Devices up were you won't use them at night. Another thing is sleep naked. It really helpDon't eat junk food!!!! I went without eating junk food for a week and than Easter hit and I ate all this junk food and felt horrible!! You feel a lot better when you don't eat any of that stuff!!Try to set an alarm every day. On the week days when I have school I wake up at 6:00a.m. and when I don't have school I wake up at around 7:00a.m. When I wake up at a reasonable time I get a lot more done!Drink water!!!! Drinking water or juice is so much better for you than popAnd balance every thing you do that's the most important thing!Also another tip is study before going to sleep. It will help you fall asleep faster and you are more likely to remember itππ»