Naturally-Thicken-Hair-Using-Castor-Oil by Naturally-Thicken-Hair-Using-Castor-Oil We are going to share a powerful hair regrowth secret with you that works great for receding hairlines, regrowing bald spots and naturally thickening your hair. Castor Oil! Moisturizes the scalp, conditions hair and promotes healthy growth. You can use it on its own or combined with a few other natural ingredients to make a powerful hair growth remedy!Ingredients: 2 tbsp. Coconut Oil 1 tbsp. Castor Oil 1 tbsp. Sweet Almond Oil 5 drops Organic Tea Tree Oil 3-5 Drops Lavender Oil Mix ingredients together and store in a small bottle with a cap for easier storage. Keep in a cool dark place and use on your hair line, scalp and throughout your hair.Apply a small amount to a cotton swab and wipe across your hair line. Massage a small amount onto your scalp with your fingertips and use a wide tooth comb to even the oils throughout your hair.. Tea tree oil unclogs hair follicles, removes fungi and unwanted bacteria, leaving you with a healthy, clean scalp. Almond oil locks in moisture, is rich in vitamins and antioxidants and is great for rehydrating and repairing dry skin. Store for up to two months before discarding and making a fresh batch.