diy body scrub by diy body scrubSWEET LEMON GINGER FACE SCRUB. INGREDIENTS 1tblsp of almond oil. 2 tblsp of honey. 2 cups of coarse sugar. a bulb of ginger. a fresh lemon. step 1 combine oil and lemon juice mix well. step 2 add in honey and mix again. step 3 add sugar and mix well. step 4 grate ginger and add lemon zest mix well. store in a jar and your good to go.SEA SALT LAVENDER BODY SCRUB. INGREDIENTS. 2 tblsp almond oil. 1/2 cup coconut oil. 1/3 cup sea salt. 1 cup fine salt. 3 drops of lavender oil. mix all together and your done. 😊MINT LIP SCRUB. INGREDIENTS 2 tsp coconut oil. 1 tsp honey. 1/4 coarse sugar. 2 drops of peppermint essential oil. mix all ingredients together. strode in s air tight container and your done. 😁