When To Throw Away Makeup by When To Throw Away MakeupEYESHADOW Throw out after 18 monthsMASCARA Throw it out after 4 monthsFOUNDATION Throw out after 1 year/12 monthsCONCEALER Throw out after 12-18 monthsPOWDER Throw out after 18 monthsBLUSH OR BRONZER Throw out after 18 monthsCREAM BLUSH Throw out after 12-18 monthsEYELINER Throw out after 18 monthsLIQUID EYELINER Throw out after 6 monthsLIPSTICK OR LIPGLOSS Throw out after 18 monthsLIP LINER Throw out after 1 yearNAIL POLISH Throw out after 1 yearMAKEUP SPONGES Wash after use and throw out after 1 month