The BEST Method To Grow Healthier,longer And Thicker Hair And Say Bye Bye To Hair Build Up πŸ˜πŸ’† by The BEST Method To Grow Healthier,longer And Thicker Hair And Say Bye Bye To Hair Build Up πŸ˜πŸ’†You will need : Wide toothed comb An old t-shirt A hair scrunchie or a hairband A hair turban Plastic wrap Hair oils ( i use a mixture of vitamin E, coconut,olive,fish and sesame oil, but you can use anything you have at home I recommend using argan, almond and castor oil because they stimulate hair growth) Shampoo Conditioner Plain yoghurt Backing soda Lemon juiceTreatment number oneπŸ‘‰ do this before you go to bed and make sure you have time to wash your hair in the morningPour some of the oils you are using in a bow use more if you have long hair I use about 2 spoons of each which adds up to a 1/4 of a cup Heat them up in your microwave for about 30 seconds or until they are quite warm but not boiling hot You don't want to burn yourselfBrush your hair using a wide toothed comb then apply the oils on your hair Turn on your timer Bend down like you are trying to touch your toes Stay in this position for 5 minutes Massage your scalp whilst waiting When the 5 minutes are up slowly rise your head and tie your hair with a scrunchie/hairband. Wash your hands Wrap your hair with a plastic wrap Put on a hair turban Then go to sleepWarning βœ‹ It is quite uncomfortableWhen you wake up in the morning wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner and let it air dry Do this twice a month if you want your hair to grow extremely fast do it more oftenDoing this too often can cause hair build up so in order to prevent that from happening you have to use this hair build up mask at least once a month πŸ’‡