Perfect Perfume Application
goddess shelle
Perfect Perfume ApplicationDab Vaseline or coconut oil on the front of your ankles and back of knees. The Vaseline will contain the fragrance for long lasting wear, and scent rises, so it’s important to place it on these low pulse points.
Spray one inner wrist and press against other for 5 seconds. The key here is not to rub - doing so will break up the fragrance notes. Mist cleavage and area where bra cups connect (unless bra is silk!). The heated heart-zone is great at propelling scent molecules all around you. Spritz perfume into a dollop of hair-smoothing cream and apply it to the bottom two inches of your locks, where hair is most absorbent and porous. It will send your scent wafting with every flick of your lovely mane. Please like, share & follow me for more awesome tips and tricks!
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