Perfect Glossy Hair! How To→→→ by Perfect Glossy Hair! How To→→→❂USE CLARIFIERS❂ One of the biggest causes of dull hair is build up of junk on your hair. A great way to get rid of that junk is a clarifying treatment!. Here is a simple clarifier recipe: 1 part apple cider vinegar 1 part water Spray it or dump it on your head after shampooing and rinse! ❂USE A GLOSS CONDITIONER❂ You need to have a gloss inducing conditioner. A lot of heavy conditioner leave hair feeling weighed down, dull... You aren't gonna get the shine you want. Here's an extra little tip for using a good conditioner- blast your hair with cold water to seal in moisture!❂USE OILS❂ If you want glossy hair you absolutely positutely must use hair oil. In addition to keeping your locks looking glosslicious they help oil your cuticles! Some great oils include Moroccan Oil, Argan Oil and many more! If you think you need more gloss, try a clear hair glaze! Woah... Glossy.