jenna 💝
- a razor
- baby oil gel
- shave gel
- some type of body scrub
- spray on deodorant
- body lotion
- a towelthese are my specific favorites— but any brand will work!STEP ONE:
Get your stuff and go somewhere you can shave! (i usually shave in the sink because I can focus more when I'm not in the shower) STEP TWO:
Now we can start! Wash your legs and slather on some of that baby oil gel to start. Make sure to rub it in really well!! This will make your legs stay soft and hydrated longer!STEP THREE:
Keep the baby oil on, but put your shave gel on top. DO NOT RINSE YET. Make sure you also rub in your shave gel really well because it will also make your shave last longer!STEP FOUR:
Get out that razor and start shaving! I like to rinse off my razor after each "row" I shave because the baby oil tends to get stuck between the blades. When you finish up shaving put on your body scrub! this will make your legs a lot softer and it will make your shave last longer. STEP FIVE:
After your scrub, rinse your legs and dry off with a towel then apply your lotion! After you rub in your lotion really well, put deodorant on areas that you usually get razor bumps or burns on. (for me my bikini area and thighs) This will prevent redness and razor burn! Make sure to like and save!
Contact me with any questions!