Make Your Own Pumpkin Puree by Make Your Own Pumpkin Puree what you will need: An oven, knife, food processor, water/sink, timer, plastic saver dish, sugar pumpkin.preheat your oven to 350 wash/rinse your pumpkin with warm waterusing knife cut several holes in the top of your pumpkin.when oven is at 350 and the pumpkin had been prepped, set timer for 90 minutes. put the pumpkin on a pan and into the ovenafter it is done cooking allow it to cool of a bit, cut it into chunk (if it cooked properly knife should slide through easilly) remove all the guts and skins. keeping just the pumpkin chunksput all the pumpkin chucks in a food processor and pureeafter you are done, pour the pumkin puree into a saver dish. if you plan on using it soon (in a few days) it can be stored in the fridge. otherwise you should freeze it