Kid-Friendly Cough Syrup by Kid-Friendly Cough SyrupThe Components Lemon Juice Lemons are good for detoxing the body, in this case from an illness. They are also high in vitamin C, which is immune boosting. It is naturally anti-viral and anti-inflammatory. It’s also good for breaking up mucous that may be on the throat causing the cough. Honey Honey, especially raw honey, is well known for its many benefits. It is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and full of antioxidants. If you’re careful with only slightly heating this and you buy local raw honey it should help even more with an allergy related cough due to honey’s ability to help arm your immune system for dealing with local allergens.Coconut Oil Coconut oil has many amazing properties, but the important ones here are the anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties. All these make it perfect for fighting winter colds and viruses. It has even been shown that coconut oil can bolster the immune system by improving white blood cell counts, which directly fights viruses and infections. Together this syrup fights inflammation, bacteria, and viruses while soothingly coating the throat and breaking up mucous.How to Make It 4 Tablespoons Lemon Juice 1/3 Cup Honey (Preferably Raw) 2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil Place in a small pot and gently heat on a very low temperature, just enough to melt the coconut oil and warm the honey to mix easily.For long term, you should store in the refrigerator but I leave it on the counter for a few days when there is illness in the house. Near the stove or warm crock pot (I use mine often for making broth when sick) will keep the coconut oil melted. Otherwise the coconut oil will solidify and you will need to melt it again before administering. Administer it whenever coughing occurs, can give multiple teaspoons as needed. Honey is not recommended for those under 1 year of age.