How To Wash Your Face #tipit
Jessica Denver
How To Wash Your Face #tipit1. Wash your hands so that they are clean and free from any dirt, germs, or bacteria.2. Put back your hair. This will make washing your face easier without any hair in the way. You can use a headband, towel/turban, hair clip, or hair tie — whichever you prefer!3. Next, run a clean, cotton washcloth under warm to hot water, and wring it out a little bit so it's not dripping. Place the washcloth over your face and hold it there for about 30 seconds (or more if you want!).4. Now apply a small amount of cleanser onto your hand. Using your finger tips—NOT YOUR NAILS—rub the cleanser onto your face in circular motion. Spend about 20 seconds gently rubbing it into your forehead, 20 seconds on your nose and chin, and 10 seconds for each cheek.5. Don't immediately wash the cleanser off your face. Let it sit on your skin for a about a minute or two.6. Now it's time to rinse your face! You can use your hands or a washcloth to rinse off the soap. Splash some water onto your forehead first, then move to your cheeks and nose, and then move to your mouth and chin. I think that washing the soap off your face from top to bottom does a better job at getting the cleanser off.7. Using a clean washcloth (if you are using the same one as you did earlier, make sure it doesn't have any soap or dirt on it), run it entirely under some really cold water and wring it out. Put it over your face just like you did to open your pores, except this time your closing them. You can also run an ice cube all over your face.
This step helps to close your pores so that your face looks more youthful and less dirt can get into them. It also improves the blood circulation in your face.8. I usually just stop here and let my face air dry (it's never super wet because I used the cold washcloth to get off all the drippy water, but sometimes it is a bit damp). But if you want to you can gently pat your face dry with a clean face towel. And then, if you want, you can apply toner and moisturizer.This is just how I like to wash my face in the mornings. I don't sleep with makeup on, so I don't need to use any makeup remover. I hope you enjoyed this tip, and, like always, if you have any tip requests, just leave them down below in the comments!