How To Get Rid Of Lint Balls On Clothing by How To Get Rid Of Lint Balls On Clothing Comb them off! Take a regular comb, lay it on its side, and glide it down your clothing with the lint problem. This will get the big stuff and prep for step two (I cannot remember the name of this thing but I know you're supposed to use it on your feet to smooth your feet) This step you need to be carful so you don't harm the fabric itself. Take this tool and glide it the same way you did the comb. This will get most of what the comb did not. Take any sharp razor and "shave" your clothing as you would your skin. Don't be too rough or you can and will harm the fabric and could cut it. This should clean up everything else. I use this in my own clothes and it works on all fabric except silk. Each step is important so don't just skip to the last one, take your time because these steps have been proven to be harsh on fabric so be very gentle and remember to gently glide in the fabric.