How To Deal With Eczema by How To Deal With EczemaIf you, like me, have eczema, it may make you feel insecure when wearing shorts or skirts or vest tops etc. Here are my tips for dealing with eczema. They may not work on everyone but they worked for me.I use this cream/lotion, which I find stops my skin feeling so dry and makes it softer. Over three weeks, you begin to see a difference.The summer is the worst time of the year if your eczema is on your legs. When you walk, if you don't have a thigh gap, your legs rub together, making your skin hurt, where the eczema is being rubbed.As for the winter, it is really bad if your eczema is on your face or hands. These areas are almost always exposed and the cold air dried your skin out even more. Just like your lips, your eczema will chap and hurt.These are all products which I find help soften the skin and prevent it being sore or irritated. These are also fragrances which don't irritate the skin.Being born with eczema was tough, but as I've grown up, I've started to learn to control it. Until I go swimming and the chlorine gets to it. Or salt water in the sea. Anyway, I hope you take on my tips and I hope they make your life easier. Thank you for reading!