How I Cleared Up My Acne by How I Cleared Up My AcneI used to have severe acne to the point i used to fake illness to get off school but about a month ago i was shopping in asda... Like you do and my mum put a bottle of PURE(!!) witch hazel in the trolley. Now i was skeptical with my oily spotty skin because id fallen in love with benefits skin care range but i was about to realise i had been going wrong for years...Basically i stuck to my usual routine at first which was wake up, wash my face with water only and then makeup but now i wake up (still only use water) grap a cotton wool pad and witch hazel and cleanse my face. If i have any major spots i use benefits boo boo zap! (at night) and its practically gone in the morning.Witch hazel is amazing because its cheap, it tones and it balances your skin... It will definitely be part of my routine for ages to come. Now im not saying this will work on you because it has worked on me because everyones skin is different. I tried so many things till i found something that worked for me. Even what the doctors prescribed for me dried out my skin and made it peel... Basically didnt work at all but like many things i suppose my witch hazel method is worth a try. My skin isnt perfect yet but you cant see the scars from past acne with a little bit of make up... Yes!!Don't forget to like this if you did and save it :) enjoy cleansing. P.s. like i mentioned previously this may not work on others like it did on me, everyones skin is different, just thought id share :)