Herbs For Breast Enlargement
Liam Chisholm
Herbs For Breast Enlargement Fenugreek
Use of fenugreek seed has a long history in human civilization. It is used since ancient times to treat many diseases. Due to its healing effect, it is used to cure diseases like diabetes, cholesterol, sore throat pain, cough, minor indigestion, and diarrhea. It is also used to improve milk production in nursing mother. Lastly, it has been found that fenugreek seeds are quite effective to increase breast size.Saw Palmetto
Saw Palmetto is an extremely important herb for sexual health. It has several health benefits both for women as well as men. It effectively cures prostate enlargement in men. It is used to treat aphrodseiac (male impotency). Since ancient time, saw palmetto is used as a tonic to restore sexual vigor, tone muscles, nourish urethra and cure digestive disorders. With so many health benefits, it is not surprising that it aids in breast enhancement. It contains phyto-nutrients that stimulate breast tissues to grow in size.Fennel
Like fenugreek, use of fennel also has a long history. This Indian herb has a number of health benefits. It is used along other spices for food preparation. In India, people also chew fennel seeds after a heavy meal as its aid in digestion. It is used for the treatment of angina, asthma, heartburn and high blood pressure. It contains estrogenic compounds which makes it ideal for breast enhancement. It can be added with massage cream and applied on the breast. Otherwise, it can be taken orally along with tea.Wild Yam
Wild yam is a widely used herb for various female problems. It not only helps in breast enlargement but also helps to overcome other sexual ailments like premenstrual syndrome and menopausal symptoms. It can also be consume as a tonic just for healthy breast and sexual stimulation. Similar to fenugreek and fennel, it is also rich in phyto-nutrients which work perfectly to increase breast size. Drink it as tea or take it as capsule. Its powder can be added to the cream or lotion for breast massage. Regular massage may result in breast enhancement.