Headband Curls Or Waves. Purfffeeect For Summer!!πŸŒŠβ˜€οΈ by Headband Curls Or Waves. Purfffeeect For Summer!!πŸŒŠβ˜€οΈSTEPS 1. Chose any headband u have around. I like lulu lemon 2. Put the headband on hippie style, around your head, but not under your hair 3. Part ur hair into two sections 4. Take a small piece from one section and wrap it around the headband 5. Add a small piece to that and wrap it around again. 6. Repeat step 5 until u reach the center of your head 7. Repeat steps 4 5 and 6 on the other side 8. Pin in place 9. Go to sleep 10. Wake up and take out 11. run ur fingers through to make them look more natural.