GET RID OF CONJUNCTIVITIS, EYE INFECTIONS FROM CONTACTS LEFT IN, ETC..AND FAST!! by GET RID OF CONJUNCTIVITIS, EYE INFECTIONS FROM CONTACTS LEFT IN, ETC..AND FAST!! Ever leave in contacts over night on accident and wake up with a swollen red puffy eye? Have you ever gotten pinkeye the day before big plans?? Although you should still see an eye doctor for pinkeye… you can relieve the pinkeye and make it unnoticeable very quickly with this tip… And a simple infection from leaving contacts in overnight may look just as bad as pinkeye to you, but this tip will literally have your eye back to normal within an hour or two.........In a cereal sized bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt with a cup to a cup and a half of luke warm water! Stir until the salt is completely dissolved in the water and you no longer see it.When you are done… The easiest way I have found to soak my eye is to find a small Dixie cup or a small cleaned out medicine cup and to pour some of the water into the cup, put my eye up to the water in the cup, and flutter my eye open back-and-forth a couple of times in it. The more infected your eye is the more this will sting a little bit when you do it! Next… I dump the water from the Dixie cup and fill it with some more of the fresh Epsom salt water in my bowl. I repeat this step anywhere from 2 to 6 times. I normally stop when my eye doesn't sting from the Epsom salt mix anymore!Another small piece of advice… if you ever do get an infection after leaving contacts in and you don't want to wear glasses that day… If you have time in the morning after using the Epsom salt mix... Lay back down and let your eyes stay closed and rest a while. Usually when I wake back up my eye is completely back to normal and I'm ready to use my contacts again! (However, I suggest a different pair of contacts than the ones you wore the night before!) :)Your eyes should be clean and clear in no time!!!!! 😳