Easiest Jersey Maxi Skirt Tutorial! by Easiest Jersey Maxi Skirt Tutorial!Start by measuring from the floor to where you want the top of your skirt to be (I made mine so it sits just below my tummy button, which ended up as 1metre). You can put on a skirt you like wearing and measure to the top of that waistband if it helps. This will be the long red line measurements. You also need to check your waist measurement and half it. Either measure your waist at the point of your waistband with a tape measure and half this, or measure your favourite skirt’s waistband. Start by measuring from the bottom of your fabric up and marking the length you want you skirt to be (to the waistband, mine was 1 metre). Mark this on the left and right edge of the fabric. Now take your waist measurement halved (I have a 28 in waistband so half was 14 inches). Find the centre point of your fabric between the two points you have just marked and work out on each side until you have you have your halved waist measurement. So I measures 7 inches to each side of the centre point to give me a 14 inch half waist measurement. This will be the short blue line measurement. *If you are using a very stretchy fabric, you may want to take half an inch off each end of this waist line, which will bring the waist in by 2 inches overall, to give a more snug fit. Draw a line up from each end of the waistband about 6 inches (the short red line on the picture), it can be longer if you want more fold over. Now simply draw a line from the bottom of the waistband to the edge of your material, or if you want a specific measurement for the bottom, mark that and draw to each end of it. You should end up with a rectangular waistband shape on top of the triangular skirt shape, no need to sew the waistband on (hooray)!Cut out both pieces of fabric and turn them over so that they are right sides together. Use a knit stich on your sewing machine to sew down both sides from the top of the waistband right to the bottom. My stitch looks like a zig zag split into 3 lines:It’s done! Now put the skirt on, fold the waist band in half into the skirt so the wrong sides of material touch, then fold it out to make the band. This way you get the length just where you want it.If you want to you can hem the skirt, but I didn’t as this material won’t fray. You could also fold the waist in half and sew a few stitches on each side on the seam so you don’t have to fold it each time, but again I am happy to just fold and go!