Bad Movie from Books
Priscilia Margharet
Bad Movie from BooksI really love the books. I like Christian Grey and Ana Steele. But the movie totally ruin them. I imagine Christian a lil bit taller and more intense with great abs, Jamie needs to work out more. Also Dakota can't play Ana Steele that well, such a dissapointment.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is one of my favorite books. Unfortunately the movie is one of those bad movies. The scene where Harry and Voldemort fighting was such a dissapointment. And how Harry was inside of Snape memories also a big dissapointment.I like how Logan played as Percy. But if u read the book, u will know why this movie was included in my bad movies from books. Grover was supposed to be missing from the first scene not "kidnapped" and how chiron was temporary fired because Mr. D needs someone to blaimed.I think this is the worst of all.