An Inside Look at Musely FaceRx Ingredients by An Inside Look at Musely FaceRx IngredientsAt Musely, we only use the top skincare ingredients in our FaceRx formulas. The ingredients in FaceRx medications are freshly compounded at our pharmacies, meaning they are more potent and effective than mass-manufactured skincare products. Here’s a look at some of those gold standard ingredients!Hydroquinone: Hydroquinone is an organic compound that is widely used in topical creams for dark spot and hyperpigmentation removal. Hydroquinone works by blocking melanocyte activity, stopping dark spots from forming. Hydroquinone is available in The Spot Cream, The Neck Cream, The Private Cream, and The Spot Peel!Tretinoin: Tretinoin is a form of Vitamin A and the only FDA approved ingredient proven to reduce signs of aging. This includes fine lines and wrinkles, pore size, and skin texture. Tretinoin boosts skin cell turnover rate and stimulates collagen production to increase elasticity of skin. Tretinoin is available in The Anti-Aging Night Cream, The Neck Cream, and The Spot Peel!Azelaic Acid: Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring acid found in grains like barley, wheat, and rye. It helps erase dark spots and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and is also safe to use for those who are pregnant or nursing. Azelaic acid is available in The Spot Cream and The Spot Peel!Tranexamic Acid: Tranexamic acid is a powerful anti-inflammatory acid that blocks the production of excess melanin, erasing dark spots and hyperpigmentation. It pairs well with skin-friendly ingredients like kojic acid and Vitamin C. Tranexamic acid is available in The Spot Cream and The Private Cream!Niacinamide: Niacinamide is a form of Vitamin B3 & promotes hydration. This ingredient also boosts the immunity of the skin by enhancing the natural skin barrier, fading wrinkles & fine lines. Niacinamide is available in The Spot Cream, The Anti-Aging Night Cream, The Neck Cream, and The Private Cream!Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic acid retains moisture to help the skin look plumper, smoother, softer, & more youthful. It's also a protector from harmful pollutants your skin is faced with daily. Hyaluronic acid is available in The Anti-Aging Night Cream and The Neck Cream!Kojic Acid: Kojic acid helps lighten dark spots while keeping irritation at bay as the skin renews itself. Kojic Acid is available in The Spot Cream, The Spot Peel, and The Private Cream!Order your treatment today to receive the benefits of Musely FaceRx ingredients!