♡ A Simple Way to Whiten Teeth♡
Payton ⭐️
♡ A Simple Way to Whiten Teeth♡♡ Hey there! ♡
I've been using this simple way to whiten my teeth for a while now, and I'm happy with my results.
With a bit of patience, I think you can naturally restore whiteness to your teeth.
It may not blind someone, but it'll look more like you take good care of your pretty smile rather than just bleaching it to hell.➡️ What You'll Need:
✖️ Baking soda
// {Enough to coat all of your teeth. Probably a few teaspoons.}
✖️ Lemon juice
// {Enough to make a paste.}
// {You could also use water as a substitute.}
✖️ Your toothbrush.➡️ Directions:
✖️ Brush your teeth once, like you normally would.
✖️ Mix several teaspoons of baking soda with enough lemon juice {or water} to make a paste.
✖️ Wipe your teeth and any saliva off of them with a paper towel.
✖️ Put a good amount of paste onto your toothbrush and apply.
✖️ Leave the paste on for 1 minute, then rinse. {if you're using water and baking soda, you can leave it on for up to 3 minutes}
✖️ Brush your teeth with toothpaste once more.♡ Thank you for reading! ♡
Good luck with whitening your teeth, Love! 😊🌸