8 Yoga Poses To Do Before Bed To Help You Sleep
Tara Boland
8 Yoga Poses To Do Before Bed To Help You SleepCHILD'S POSE
Holding supported child’s pose with your head rested on a yoga block or even some pillows will help your brain and body to rest after a long day. Repeat as many times as necessary, as child’s pose is always an option for rest and relaxation.DOWNWARD DOG
The option to place a block or pillows beneath the head makes this pose even more restorative. As one of yoga’s most well-known poses, downward facing dog is a great stretch for yogis of all levels.TRIANGLE POSE
This standing pose releases the hamstrings, while also allowing for extension in the spine. Using a wall will help you hold the pose for a longer period of time, maximizing your stretch. WIDE LEGGED FORWARD FOLD
Forward bends are a great way to calm the body and the nervous system after a long day. Doing a wide-legged forward fold will help open and stretch the back body.LOW LUNGE
To help open the upper back and improve your breath flow, work on extending the spine within the pose. This pose can typically be done with your arms up, but reaching your arms to the floor will help ground your energy before bed.SUPINE BOUND ANGLE POSE
The restorative version of this hip opener requires a yoga belt wrapped around the back of the pelvis, thread through the inner legs and then strung around the feet. Lying on the ground in this pose will help prepare you for sleep to come.LEGS UP THE WALL
Use a bolster or pillows under the lumbar curve to release the low back, and try to let all your thoughts go during this relaxing and restorative pose.SAVASANA
To wrap up your yoga practice and take that next step towards bed, finish your sequence with a traditional savasana. A great meditative technique is to move your attention throughout the body systematically and relax each section.