8 Ways To Stay Fit When You're Broke
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8 Ways To Stay Fit When You're Broke1. Kit up. It's motivating to have a fabulous sports bra that gives you good support and a pair of sneakers you love and will use regularly. Get steep discounts at PlanetGear.com (up to 70 percent off) and TheClymb.com (up to 75 percent off) on apparel, shoes, and equipment.
2. Score a discount. Ask if your company has any negotiated corporate rates at fitness centers or if your health-care provider offers gym deals. You could receive up to 60 percent off on membership fees, and some companies reimburse employees in full.3. Get cash back. Some insurers will pay you for working out: Check to see if your plan offers a reimbursement. UnitedHealthcare will pay you $20 per month annually. Your employer might also offer a health-and-fitness allowance, which could get you up to a few hundred dollars.
4. Shop around. Compare gym options: Most offer a free day (or even a free week) of trial membership. Proximity is one of the biggest stick-with-it secrets: Make sure your gym is close enough that you'll actually use it.5. Negotiate. Gyms are often more flexible on membership toward the end of the month. Come armed with numbers that show you've done your homework: "The gym down the street charges $20 less per month." Ask that they waive the initiation fee and throw in personal-training sessions.
6. Get a deal on classes. ClassPass (available in 13 U.S. cities and expanding to more this year) lets you attend unlimited classes at tons of studios for $99 per month.
7. Stock a home gym. Here's all you need for an awesome workout at home: a kettlebell (around $20), 5-pound weights ($6 each), an exercise ball exercise ball ($20), and a jump rope ($10).
8. Save on a trainer. CosmoBody, Cosmo's own fitness channel, offers unlimited access to workout videos. You can get a free 10-day membership at CosmoBody.com.